So, apparently there is a “Slow Movement” going on. I want in…

So, have you heard about this movement where people are taking it slow and going back to basics? I was reading about it and it was basically about not multitasking and being more mindful of time and and eating organic. I was not quite sure how eating organic was a part of this theme. But I think the point is to do things that are good for mind body and spirit.

Part of doing well for oneself is caring for every aspect of one’s life from what/how we nourish our bodies and taking time to enjoy a conversation with a loved one. I thought the name slow was kind of weird to describe this return to days of old. But what else could it be called? The common sense movement? The before smart phones corrupted us movement?

No matter the name, I am on board. I send around 80 or more communications back and forth in a work day. While I am in a meeting I am tackling other matters not really giving the person or situation at hand any attention. I do the same thing with loved ones, often cutting off their words to spit mine out because my mind is forever racing. It’s not that I don’t care, I just am never at rest, even when I am.

I was so busy last year that I didn’t even do 50 percent of what was on my vision board. Yet time marched on and I am a year older and my goals are on hold while I beat my brains out to help people reach theirs. I have 2 friends/acquaintances whom have published books this month and they are at Barnes and Noble. I am supporting them by buying and reading them but I am nowhere near my dreams!

So in a nod to Slow Movement (SM) people all over the world, I am changing things up. Starting now. I went grocery shopping for less instant food for my kid, whom often doesn’t want to clean eat with me, and I will cook dinner with her 4 nights per week. I am also going to update my board and actually strive to meet the vision I have for myself and my loved ones. The only way that will happen though is by taking time to do what matters and put myself as a priority is the place I must start to make it happen.

For me what is most important is: reading, writing, loving and giving. My desire to be closer to God and those dear to my heart will only occur if I take my time throughout the day and pace myself. And more importantly, put as much stock into feeding my spirit and soul as I the hard work I put into my career. That part is extremely tricky because work does pay the bills.

This article explains a little more fully about this change in lifestyle that folks are seeking in order to achieve a better and fuller existence.

Try your own version and tell me how it goes. If you have already been involved in this movement for awhile, share how it has changed your life and what you now do differently. I’m curious to know who else is on board to embrace and experience all of the moments of life…



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I am non-traditional and traditional rolled into one. I am a Christian, but need work! My favorite things to do : hang out with my kid, watch movies, read, write, sing, love, live life to the fullest! I love: my kid, my cat, my best guy D, God, rain, chocolate, Christmas, friends, cats, animals in general, honesty, avocados, love, Hallmark, iced Americanos, Harry Potter, NYC, England, Italy, D.C., Paris and autumn.

7 thoughts on “So, apparently there is a “Slow Movement” going on. I want in…

  1. I definitely need to do this for sure! Without even realizing it, we’re doing a million things. Like, I started reading your post and then my door rang for my delivery. So then I was reading and eating. Now I’m eating and typing! Okay I’m gonna stop! I’m going to finish my comment after I’m done eating. 😊

    Okay, I’m back. I didn’t last long. Was killing me that I didn’t finish this comment. 😉 I have to work on this!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the idea of this Slow Movement, and I hadn’t really heard it named before. I completely agree! For me, what is most important is spending quality time with friends and family, making time to read and write, and working out (especially yoga). Like Lauren said above, I find myself doing 10 things all at once: I am eating, tweeting, editing, watching tv, and texting all at the same time. Meanwhile, I have a huge list of things to do in my head. I gotta slow down.

    Liked by 3 people

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