So, 10 things will happen in 10 years…

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? So, many things will happen to get me to where I want to be. Here are 10 things I plan on a decade from now: 1. Have a house with land (2 acres would be great!) 2. Be a published Children’s author 3. Have a few ebooks […]

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So, wow, procrastination is a friend to no one…

What have you been putting off doing? Why? So, I have put off a lot. Focusing on my fitness, both physical and fiscal. Being more time being social/spending time with people I have known for years. A lot of these things have been put on hold because I poured every ounce of myself into my […]

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So, a million dollars, so many Benjamins, so little time…

If you had a million dollars to give away, who would you give it to? So, a million dollars could go fast when there are so many deserving parties. First off, my little protestant church would get 200K. They are so giving, loving and do so much for the community for the small amt of […]

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So, Whiplash with Miles Teller and J.K. Simmons was emotional, terrifying, yet winning

Photo courtesy of The New Yorker, Whiplash, Teller and Simmons 2014

So, I took some much needed chill time with my soon to be high school senior, and watched a movie, Whiplash, with Miles Teller and J.K. Simmons. Though she big time denies it, she only wanted watch it for Teller. She is not a movie person, she is totally a play/musical kind of person because […]

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So, Manic Monday’s are all about Motivation and Musings

So, today’s Musing is brought to you by the letter M for Motivation. What truly motivates you? Money? Success? Acceptance? Love? Are you driven by what other people think of you or is there something inside that keeps you going because you know that you can do more? Is there a nagging dream or thought […]

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So, a poem about going for it

At a meeting Trying to engage Keeping a smile on Feigning interest Pretending to be invested Longing to be inspired Knowing it is impossible Gotta have my own Until I do, I must suffer Creators are restless We need to do our craft Suppression is pain Sleep is kept at a minimal Unless the creation […]

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