So, I am working out again and that is about it…

I haven’t been writing in my journal religiously, or reading my Bible as much as I wanted or getting a lot of work done. But, my cough is getting better and I worked out 2 days this week! So yay!!! This whole “trying to better myself in 10 different ways at the same time” thing is really a lot of work!

Are you guys meeting your goals or visions for yourself right now? I am the kind of person that has great ideas and great intentions, but I tend to do really well on a few things, but not on more than a few things at a time. If I am writing regularly and working out, then my other goals fall by the way side.

I admire people like one of my friends on Instagram called theglamuniversity. She just did this awesome woman’s empowerment and business event that is a sleepover and all of the tricks of the trade are taught by powerful successful women like her. She is writing a book, she is expanding her empire. She is getting in shape. She is becoming a mogul! I am so happy for her! But how do people do it?

I am not trying in any way to compare myself to others but all I can say is that I am a decent multi-tasker, but not when it comes to major life changes. I guess I will just take it one day at a time and do the best I can to master or keep up with a few things in my life that mean the most. Then perhaps I can spend a little time on everything else. How do you guys get motivated or stay motivated? Tips, please!!



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I am non-traditional and traditional rolled into one. I am a Christian, but need work! My favorite things to do : hang out with my kid, watch movies, read, write, sing, love, live life to the fullest! I love: my kid, my cat, my best guy D, God, rain, chocolate, Christmas, friends, cats, animals in general, honesty, avocados, love, Hallmark, iced Americanos, Harry Potter, NYC, England, Italy, D.C., Paris and autumn.

6 thoughts on “So, I am working out again and that is about it…

  1. I could use the same tips you’re seeking! One of my focuses this month was exercise… then right at the beginning of January, my knees started to hurt. Then my knees started to feel better and I did a work project and was sore for a few days. Then I got a cold. So basically, I haven’t really exercised much… maybe I’ll try again soon!


  2. Well as far as exercise as well as the successful woman you were talking about that stays in shape and building her own empire I have an idea to throw at you. Fitness wise I run a super awesome motivational challenge group online we motivate each other everyday give away prizes workout together via Skype sometimes. The workout program is amazing and has helped me shed so much weight it’s changed my life. That’s when I decided to become a coach because something that worked so well for me would definitely help other people that were stuck in my same situation of fighting the scale all the time !!! Coaching just made me even more motivated to stay on track with my own fitness because now I’m helping others with theirs and who wants a lazy person to motivate them no one !!!! I would totally love to help you girls with your journey to getting back into exercise and amazing shape !!!! I also have 3 more coaching spots open this moth to offer opportunities to women that are looking to build their own businesses from home as a side career or all in !!! Let me know if you are interested in learning more about this opportunity and I can send you all the info about it !!!


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